Thursday, May 22, 2014

Your Introductory Tour

Welcome! Join us on our first real tour of our crooked little house but bundle up because Baby its cold INSIDE!!  It is a very quaint little home from the front, although quaint may be over sizing it.  The tree is gorgeous though!  Oh wait....through the that a tiny little window I see?

As you can see from these pictures it was colder, and icier inside the house then it was outside.  There wasn't a surface not covered in ice crystals, which are really quite beautiful, but maybe not so much when they are on your walls and ceiling.
As you enter the front door you are greeted by this "warm" inviting living room with the lovely orange shag carpet. The door on the right leads to the kitchen.  The door on the left leads to the bedrooms.  Both doors are so narrow that I had to turn sideways walking through them.

The window on the left is the only window in the house large enough to actually let light in.
This is the view from the living room through the kitchen to the back entrance room.  Lets take a step into the kitchen and have a look.  It is a thing of beauty I am sure!!

Oh!.  Look at that lovely tin cabinet.  And the ice in the window is such a lovely touch! 

Those kitchen cabinets aren't so bad....but something tells me the people that put them in were either missing 8 inches off their measuring tape or they were not all that tall.
A workable cooking area and such a lovely drop ceiling.  It will be a shame but I think we may need to replace that light.
And here is the washroom, just off the kitchen.  Now I have a sense of humor but even I can't joke around about just how awful this bathroom is.  I would love to say that is a huge window over the tub but the fact is that is the smallest tub I have every seen and the window I think they stole from a doll house.  The toilet was so low you would be better off squatting over a hole in the floor.

The electrical panel in our back entrance, which unfortunately I do not seem to have original pictures of.  Probably has something to do with the fact that there wasn't room for me an a camera in the back porch.  Picture a narrow hallway that angles over a bit the last 2 feet to allow for a door to be opened wide enough that you can squeeze out it.

The main bedroom.  There was one small window in here as well.  I think the previous tenants must have either been vampires because they were clearly afraid of sunshine and light.  That door at the back leads to another small bedroom. Once again there are no pictures because there wasn't enough room for both me and the camera in there.

What do you think of our new home?  Gorgeous eh?  All almost 900 square feet of it! 
This was pretty much the point where the little voice (actually all the little voices) in my head were screaming at me saying "what the hell did you get yourself into!!!"  It was also the point where we were doing the cartoon thing with me holding Carole's shirt while her feet spun under her as she tried to run away. I am pretty sure I heard that scrambling feet sound from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon.
Now you have seen where we started.  It all had to go.  Everything was coming out down to the studs. I had a vision and that vision with a few amendments and modifications would someday become reality.  The plan was slow and steady.  We weren't taking out a mortgage to make quick changes.  We weren't running up unneeded debt.  This meant that nothing happened fast but stick with us and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Earlier in my post I mentioned how beautiful ice crystals can be.  Mother Nature is truly an amazing artist as you can see by these works she etched into our windows.

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